Kobie through Marilyn....
(10 years old.. just crossed) She’s very light and floaty… came right towards her and flopped on back and rolled over and popped back up. She loved rolling over and would do it often. She’s very light (light is good) and it’s a good feel and good spirit.
She knows that it would have been rehab her whole life. It must have been her time, I said… “Well yes – it was my time but I didn’t know it was my time until it was my time but then of course it was my time because I left.” (that’s a Kobie logic and statement)
She’s good… she’s good where she is. She has a sense of freedom and relief because she can roll over, hop up, lots of chasing games. Looks like she’s with Ari or another dog that looks like Ari and they are running and chasing and rolling.
(What was her relationship with Olivia?) First thing she said was that Olivia is coming soon. She had to stay behind to keep the energy smooth. Kobie’s exit was so dramatic and traumatic but Olivia’s crossing will be much calmer but she had to stay behind to relax the energy after Kobie’s crossing.
(Anything else she wants to tell me?) Planting flowers…are there special flowers that you plant. (Marilyn asked) (yes) She says you’re supposed to plant the flowers this year. (She’s next to Ari on the hill and I’m going to get some colorful pinwheels and put there) Marilyn said -
She has tears of sadness, joy, compassion and how nice it is of you to remember her.
(Ask her if she remembers my mother) She remembers your mom… she knew her then, she knows her now.