Animal Communication, or Interspecies Communication as it is sometimes called, happens every day. Think about it. You've communicated with your own pet or another animal from time to time in your own life.
As humans we rely on verbal communications. Yet experts tell us that non-verbal communication methods such as facial expressions, tones of voice, gestures, eye contact, spatial arrangements, patterns of touch, expressive movement, cultural differences can be more important in understanding human behavior than words alone--the nonverbal "channels" seem to be more powerful than what people say.
Can you think of a time when you've communicated with an animal? Perhaps your dog "told" you he needed to go out or your cat "said" she was hungry? Sure the communication might have been punctuated with "woof" or "meow," but you got the message.
Yet animal communication is not just a matter of reading non-verbal cues. If we recognize that non-verbal cues are a form of communication, then we have to acknowledge that our animal companions are capable of thinking and feeling. At the very least they know what they want and how to get their point across.
What about the dog that nips at a certain visitor to your home, or the horse that won't be trailered for shows, but always loads readily for trail rides? How do they know? Do they really have an opinion?
So is there more to animal communication than the verbal and non-verbal? Absolutely! There is for people, too.
Telepathy is communicating feelings (pathos) over distance (tele); it is mind-to-mind contact. People do communicate this way, but it's not relied on and usually denied or dismissed.
Surely you've "connected" with people occasionally in life when you could finish each other's sentences or phoned each other at the same moment.
As we've evolved as humans, we've stopped depending on and practicing telepathic communications. Animals haven't.
Animal communication is mind-to-mind communication with animals. It's not mind reading; it's two-way participative communication between two sentient beings. Most of my animal communication consults are by phone, thereby impossible to rely on verbal or non-verbal cues.
And the best part is - anyone can do it. It takes patience and practice. Taking a class is recommended, because it's easier and more fun to practice with people interested in the same thing who are able to offer feedback and confirm your abilities.
Taking the time to connect with your animal companion(s), either on your own or through consultation with an Animal Communicator, will strengthen your understanding of each other and deepen your bond.
Reprinted with permission from Pure-Spirit Animal Communication